Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Program and Tawny and Bro's Wedding Reception

JayLee had a pajama day at her preschool and then they had a program. It was alot like the Halloween program where I laughed at JayLee being a goof ball. The little girl to JayLee's left was swaying to the music (it happened to be the same girl with the wings at Halloween) and bumped into JayLee so then JayLee, instead of swaying with the girls decided to go the opposite way and just bumped into them for a song or two. It really is hilarious watching 3 year olds sing songs they don't know that well. They try so hard but it really is just funny. The little girl in the pink pjs is JayLee's friend Oaklie (her mom is Nicole, look for her blog on my friends and family like, she does the cutest pictures, seriously she is so good) she always talks about Oaklie and wonders if Oaklie is going to be a school each day. Preschool has been so good for JayLee and she is way into tracing. I can't tell you how many times during church I have to write her name in dots so she can trace it. Which brings me to this website I found, . It is so cool. You can type in any phrase and you can print it out and they can practice their tracing.

Here are JayLee and Olin at the wedding reception, that is the best picture I could get of them holding still. My sister Melissa's daughter Bryar was there and JayLee and her wouldn't stop. They had tons of fun!
Here is JayLee, Bryar and Tawny. I made the girls' dresses and Bry kept saying "My dress is beautiful" They are so fun together. BTW the dresses were super easy. A girl I went to high school with has this etsy shop she has lots of dress kits that are so affordable and I promise it was way easy. I tried to make it harder for myself by doing them both at the same time and ended up very confused. So halfway through I grabbed what I thought was JayLee's 4T dress and the red pieces that went with it. When I got it done I thought this is way too short for JayLee and of course I had done the 2T but luckily the OhsoSassy gal had given me enough red fabric that I was able to make the 2T pieces work for the 4T.

JayLee modeling her dress in front of the Christmas tree. Which, I'm wondering do you guys like big beautiful Christmas trees or skinny Charlie Brown type Christmas trees? My mom always picked big pretty Christmas trees but this year we put it off so long that the only thing left were perfect expensive trees or Charlie Brown type cheap ones. Since I'm cheap I went for the skinny one and I LOVE it. It is seriously so Ugly every time I look at it I laugh. Way to bring the Christmas spirit right?
Merry Christmas everyone! I plan on catching up on blogging one day. I still haven't showed pictures of Colorado that was on Halloween, one of these days.....

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